Bakery products A fish desserts

Diet during breastfeeding menu. Diet nursing mother: first month.

In breast milk for a child should contain enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates. After all, only with him the kid's body can get the microelements and nutrients necessary for the development. Nursing a nursing mother for months will allow this condition, but it does not cause colic, excessive gas formation and rash. Home recipes should include a variety of products. Among them should be fermented milk desserts, fruits and vegetables, meat and fish. Natural and fresh berries also provide useful effects on the body.

Features of the diet for guv

Menu with breastfeeding should be formed based on the following foods:

  • During this period, there is a rabbit, turkey, cow and chicken. They are required to decorate the mumble table daily. The benefit of meat will only bring not in the fried form.
  • Efficiency products contribute to an increase in lactation. That is why every day there is cheese, cottage cheese and drink ryazhenka, yogurt, kefir. All these products are allowed to be included in the diet only in the absence of harmful additives. Best stop your choice homemade cooking. Next additionally with fermented fermented desserts there is jam, sugar or honey. These products often provoke the formation of gazikov in the baby.
  • Diversify the meat menu can fish without excess fat. You can stop your choice on Sudak, Cod and Mintay.
  • Vegetables - source of vitamins and minerals. It is allowed to gradually enter into the power of mom with breastfeeding broccoli, pumpkin, turnips, cucumbers and cauliflower. For the preparation of stew should not be used sunflower oil. It is possible only before serving to moisten the dish with several teaspoons of the unrefined composition.
  • Among the croup, it is allowed to stop on buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and cornpage.
  • The volume of sweets should be limited. Only occasionally pamper galetny cookie, Marmalade, Fastille and Marshmallow.
  • Creamy I. vegetable oil Also should be used in the menu in limited quantities.
  • Pasta is useful for the body only in the absence of an egg component.
  • Nuts can be found in limited quantities in two hours after meals. Let's say walnut of plants, almonds and hazelnuts.
  • Fruits - natural substitute for harmful sweets. They should only be in season. Bananas will be useful. Apples, persimmon, apricots, grenades and a cherry can only be removed after removing the peel. Do not have them on an empty stomach. Fruits will be as useful as possible if they are eaten two hours after breakfast.
  • Woman should drink liquid in sufficient quantities during the day. We useful to tea from Cabin and Oils. You can add it with a small amount of mint. We should not forget about mineral water without gas, morse, compote.

Kashi - source of vitamins and minerals

How to form a diet for every day?

Power supply during breastfeeding directly affects the amount and nutritional properties of breast milk. Only with the exact balance of the child will be able to get the entire required amount of minerals and trace elements. It is also possible to achieve an increase in the volume of produced milk by means of dishes. Diet with breastfeeding should assume use of at least 2500 kcal per day. At the same time, it is not important to eat the same, but to try to diversify the daily menu as much as possible. In this period, the woman feeds for two, so it is not allowed to enter restrictions.

Every day there are meat or fish products, fermented milk desserts, cottage cheese, solid sample cheese. Your choice should be made in favor of dishes, which contain a large number of proteins. Provide organism with nutrients will be able to vegetables and fruits. Among the bread products is best to stop their choice on the whole grain version. We should not forget about the amount of fluid consumed. During the day, approximately 2000 milliliters of water should be bought.

Features of each period

List of products that can be included in the diet expands with each month. It should be extremely attentive because the formation of a children's body occurs. For the mother, a strict diet is gradually expanding with new dishes. You should stick to the basic rules and do it gradually. Parents should closely monitor the newborn reaction. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates are distributed evenly. Additionally, follow the presence of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers. The table will help any woman quickly navigate in this matter.

Power table Women by months

The first month is the most complex, therefore mommy must be extremely attentive:

  • In 1-2 day, it is allowed to eat some oatmeal, soup with vegetables, mashed potatoes. Of meat dishes You can afford the fish or meat that was cooked for a couple. Vegetables and apples are baked in the oven before use. From fermented milk products, you can yogurt, cottage cheese and solid cheese, kefir and ryazhenka. You can afford from beverages to afford. General rule For this period - all dishes stew or cook. Nutrition should not have a greater load on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In the first week after delivery, it is allowed to eat porridge on milk and water. The chicken is best to boil or sweat. During this period, you can also afford lean options for rabbits, veal or turkey. Vegetables and some fruits are fed exclusively in stewed. Should not forget about daily use Equal milk products. Herbal teas and compotes will have a positive effect on lactation and make the volume of milk produced more. It is allowed to drink a small amount of milk. It should be understood that for nursing mothers, a strict diet should still be observed. It is not allowed by drinking gas, whole milk and yogurts with preservatives. Refuse also follows from strong tea and coffee. No benefit will bring juices from packages.
  • From the second week you can enter the fish that was caught in the sea. It is served in baked or boiled form. Each new product is tested separately. This is done in order to understand what kind of product is allergic, it is allergic.
  • From the third week it is allowed to include apricots, currants and gooseberries in its diet. Apples and pears should only have those that have green and yellow. Carrots and cucumbers before use best to lose on the grater. The range of allowed dishes expands at the expense of zucchini, cabbage, dill and river fish. Stands should still be the basic rules for entering the product in the diet. The diet should be diverse at the expense of new dishes. Only in this case, the kid will be able to get all the necessary minerals and trace elements. Meat and fermented dairy products are used every day. Boiled eggs are allowed to eat only once a week.

Features of food every month

The list of permitted products is most convenient to contribute to a special diary. You should also specify new food. Thanks to this, the woman will be able to track the reaction of the baby for each of them. The main components of the daily diet: buckwheat, rice and bread from whole cereals. For baking you should always choose the flour of coarse grinding. In the diet, acidic products should be attended, which contain a little fat. They should not be harmful fruits, dyes and sugars.

Dishes for a couple are useful in guv

  • During the first month, meat is allowed only in a small volume. Otherwise, the load on the kid liver increases. It is best to replace it with completely fish or bird. There should be no sweet, sharp and salty. Negative to the well-being of the kid can affect chips, preservatives and dyes.
  • From the sixtieth day, the diet should gradually enter the barley, barley and pesh. It is allowed to pamper yourself with milk and a small piece of cream oil. Mommy can prepare a beef tongue, pasta and cookies. Jam is allowed only in small quantities. Fruits that a woman intends to eat should be characterized for this season and habitat.
  • From the ninety day is already allowed to drink fresh beet juice. You can add apples, carrots, pumpkins and onions. Honey is used only in small quantities.
  • After the baby was half a year, you can proceed to the use of legumes. Additionally, the diet is enriched with seafood, white bread and fruit juices. Additionally, a woman should enter and lure to his baby. At the same time, it should be known that the allergic reaction to the product has a property manifest itself not immediately, so the experiments are best abandoned. For example, diathesis may appear only after the second reception of one of the new foods. Parents must check the innovation in several stages.

How to eat with colic

Food in GW should be fully balanced. A woman should monitor the content in each separate dish of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Only in the presence of all the necessary vitamins and trace elements the kid's body will develop correctly. During the day, 2,500 kcal consumption should be made. Only, in this case, it will be possible to produce the required amount of milk. At the same time, the figure of the mother will not suffer. On the day, a woman should drink two liters of liquid. It can be green or black tea mineral water without gas.

If a child has colic, then mom is recommended to refuse to eat ready-made juices from the store. The negative reaction in the body of the kid can also cause drinks with gas, sweet, salty and oily dishes. Note that both home cooking juice should often be present in the diet of the mother. Lead to excessive gas formation can milk chocolate, beans, cabbage, milk, mushrooms, onions and garlic.

All vegetables and fruits are best used in a baked form in the oven. It is best to stop your choice on greenery and yellow products. All allergens are kept in the peel, so it needs to get rid of it.

In the presence of colic and gases, the baby at the time is excluded from the diet of all milk dishes. It is allowed to leave only kefir. Later they can be returned to the diet. The process should be carried out in a strict sequence and one.

Kefir does not cause colic

How to drink right during lactation?

Allowed products should be used in the complex with the correct drink mode. For this purpose, a woman should drink about two liters of liquid. This rule should not be followed on the first day after delivery. During this period, a colostrum is produced, which does not require excessive amounts of water. In the first day you should drink no more than one liter of water. Otherwise, the process of milk release can be worse.

Mom should not drink natural milk. It has a lot of protein, which contributes to an allergic reaction in a small organism. It can only be drunk in small quantities or exclude from the diet.

Positively on the female organism affects water without gas, broth, fermented dairy products, uvars and teas based on herbs.

What should be refused during the GW?

Woman must completely exclude from its diet:

  • sweets from the store;
  • products that were previously canned;
  • coffee and alcohol;
  • drinks with gas;
  • sharp seasonings;
  • sauces with preservatives;
  • fried and fatty dishes;
  • all smoked foods;
  • fish caviar;
  • exotic dishes.

From smoked to completely refuse

Gorough I. spicy dishes Not only can lead to the appearance of heartburn, but also cause allergies from the baby. During this period, it should be carefully related to each ingredient. Colic - a common problem that may also occur against the background of excessive use of a certain food product. Often dishes with nuts, citrus, eggs and chocolate cause individual intolerance to the baby.

It is not allowed to carry out experiments on the kid. Woman should always be on a check. Otherwise, the risk of gases, non-consumption and even poisoning increases. Enter the new product to the diet should begin with a small dose. It is not allowed to simultaneously do it for several foods. If a child has discovered a bloating, then the product must be excluded from the diet. The next attempt is carried out no earlier than in a month.

Milk ─ This is nectar, the food of the gods, and the mother's milk for the baby is the most delicious and useful of what exists in the world. Breastfeeding provides a newborn with a complete complex of vitamins and minerals, protects against malicious bacteria, laid in the body the basics of proper healthy development.

In maternal milk, proteins, fats, milk sugar lactose and other useful substances are contained. But the usefulness and composition of breast milk directly depends on the eating behavior of the mother. Let's talk about the fullness of nutrition during feeding.

What is useful baby and mom

Already during pregnancy, future mothers who want to endure, give birth and grow healthy children, rebuild food upstairs useful products. Women understand that the right full nutrition with breastfeeding will provide a kid with everything necessary.

Nutritionists recommend nursing mothers to saturate their table with fruits and vegetables with a significant reduction in hard carbohydrates. Scientists believe that in the daily diet, women should be proteins ─ 1 part, fats ─ 5─6 parts, carbohydrates ─ 20 parts. Food in such a proportion makes breast milk useful for the baby and protects it from diseases.

Clarify that the proteins are taken by the animal and vegetable origin Approximately equal amounts, fats include vegetable oils. It is advisable to exclude harmful carbohydrates from the menu. Replace them on useful, which are contained in grain, legumes, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms.

It is important to exclude products from the diet, which will damage the delicate organisum of crumbs, will cause allergic and other painful reactions. Harmful products: citrus, smoked, canned food, chocolate.

Mandatory diverse full-fledged diet of a nursing motley, including all the elements necessary for mom and child. If the nutrition is limited, if there are not enough vitamins and trace elements, the missing will be released from the body of a woman. Therefore, feeding mammies must necessarily contain calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium.

And without a complete set of vitamins, it is not necessary at all.

Vitamins and trace elements

A complete set of vitamins and trace elements guarantees the body of the mother and baby energy, vigor, beauty, mental work, health. Vitamins and minerals, so-called health matter, provide crouch protection against stress and disease.

Milk saturation with useful substances depends on various factors, and first of all, from the supply and lifestyle of a nursing woman. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes that make up the basis of milk women's milk, nourish and protect the infants. And hormones, growth factors and immunological protection, which are present in breast milk, help the kid to grow and produce antibodies against pathogenic microorganisms.

Remember: Che useful of the composition Milk at moms, the fact that with a big appetite, the baby will eat, the healthier, balanced, it will be more active, and the smaller he will deliver in the future.

During breastfeeding, a woman tries to follow its menu and bring the necessary composition of vitamins and trace elements into the daily diet. It makes milk with high-quality and useful for a newborn. Not from time to time, and every day in the diet of mom when feeding the baby should include milk, meat, fish, eggs, cereals, legumes, nuts, vegetables, root, fruits, oils.

If it is not possible to use everything at once required products Or something you do not taste, try to at least choose one product from the group in which the same substances are contained. For example, meat is quite replaceable fish, eggs, dairy products, bean, croups, pasta.

  • In milk, eggs and liver are contained vitamins A, 2 and in 12;
  • In meat - vitamins in 1, 2, in 3 (pp), in 4, in 5, in 6, at 7 (n), in 9, in 12, e;
  • Fish is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E and almost all of the group in;
  • Legumes, cereals, nuts - a source of group vitamins B, E;
  • Milk and fermented milk products - a, in 2, in 12;
  • Vegetables, fruits, greens - vitamin A, C, 2, 3, in 6, in 9;
  • Vegetable oils, fats are necessary as a source of vitamins A, E, D, F, K.

An important role in the diet when feeding the trace elements that enter the organism of a nursing woman through food. It has already been proven that the insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is compensated from the mother's organism, the vitamin and mineral composition is depleted.

Calcium is very important in the body throughout life, and for a nursing woman - especially. Calcium needed for dental and bone tissue, relieves inflammation, displays oxidants, activates enzymatic work, levels the level of sugars and insulin, contributes to digestion.

Iron is necessary for blood formation, immunity, thyroid gland, nerve cells. With increasing physical activity, it is necessary to increase the admission of FE into the body. Some moms are corrected during pregnancy and after childbirth are trying to throw weight with physical exercises. In this case, an increase in the amount of products with a high content of iron will help to recover faster.

Potassium is necessary for muscle operation, transmission of nerve impulses, for the synthesis of proteins and glycogen, for the regulation of acid-alkaline balance. Daily rate Potassium consumption for nursing women ─ 5 g, and for the newborn first year of life ─ 400 mg.

Calcium, iron, potassium, like most other minerals, are contained in almost all vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, legumes, nuts, herbs, dried fruits. A lot of them in beef, lamb, bird, eggs, dairy products, fish, mushrooms. It can be seen that a diverse and balanced nutrition with breastfeeding makes it possible to get a baby from the first days everything needs for growth and development with milk mom.

Features of nutrition

Regular full-fledged diet when feeding a baby is required for mothers. Normally, mommy and child eat the same number of times. Before each feeding for half an hour, eat a small portion of delicious food. If my mother is satisfied, then the baby is not hungry.

During feeding, it is absolutely impossible to deal with diet diet. Jump through the rope, squat, float, run ─ it will help return to the original weight.

A rigid diet nursing mom is enough to observe no more than 1 month. On 2 months of life, the kid's diet can be expanded, and from the 3rd to eat as usual

Neonatologists and pediatricians are strongly recommended when feeding to observe the restrictive drinking regulations until lactation is established. With the establishment of hyperlactation, the amount of liquids increases to 2.5-3 liters per day, so as not to dehydrate itself and thicken the thirst for the baby.

Nutritionists advise to eat products grown and produced in the area of \u200b\u200btheir homes and children. Products grown in other latitudes or on other continents can cause allergic reactions in kids.

Fruits, red and orange vegetables cause a tendency to allergic reactions. Choose green fruits that do not allergic. Green vegetables, herbs, fruits contain vitamins of each group, as well as substances that contribute to the improvement of the body. Spinach, cucumbers, zucchini, apples, grapes, herbs are useful for mothers and small newborns.

The fact that in the diet of nursing in no way should be alcohol, everyone knows, although sometimes you break this item. To the note of the mumms of the crumb, alcohol poisoning the faster organism. First of all, alcohol is poisonous for the brain. Coffee, tea, chocolate, smoked, pickles, sharp sauces, canned food, should be reduced or completely removed from the diet.

The baby will not like the milk if the mother feeds the baby itself feeds, sharply and unpleasantly smelling. Scientifically this fact is not tested, but the experience says that spices, onions and garlic cut or leave for later. Although these products are very useful, the baby can just give up his chest. Is it worth risking?

There is a nursing woman follows at least 4─6 times a day, about 30 minutes before feeding the child. This contributes to the production of milk


Experienced mothers offer different recipes To increase the lactation and nutritional milkiness.

Here is one of them: for 15─20 minutes before feeding Drink tea with milk with a slice fat cheese and 1─2 walnuts. With such a snack, the arrival of milk will accelerate, it will become more useful and tastier.

That when feeding and in the usual life of fatty, fried dishes Not helpful, it said many times. Exclude the boobs meat broths, raw meat or fish, carbonated drinks. From the juices, leave only apple. Someone will have to exclude cow's milk.

Do not refuse black, gray bread. Bread provides the body with carbohydrates, and this is ─ power, energy, movement. Bread vitamins and fiber improves digestion, remove toxins. Some recipes offer bread with butter Or sour cream - it increases fatness and nutrition in breast milk.

Carefully learn new recipes. Every unfamiliar baby product can adversely affect breast milk, cause allergies or colic.

Build your menu so that the dishes enter all the necessary nursing woman substances to diverse, useful, delicious food added forces and restored your health.

Doctors and nutritionists develop various power systems. Dr. Belopolsky Yu.A. Together with Babanin S.V. A plan of six one-time nutrition of a nursing mother, taking into account the requirements of the science and tastes of a woman. The plan includes breakfast, a second breakfast, lunch, afternooner, dinner and kefir with an apple or biscuits for the night. What is characteristic, dishes are chosen, which are quite suitable for the whole family, so the mother does not have to constantly stand in the kitchen.

Many experienced mothers advise for lactation to drink tea with milk. Despite the fact that this fact is not scientifically proven, such a drink will definitely not hurt mommies, and he is very tasty

Approximate power

Breakfast includes seasonal vegetable salads, mashed potatoes With fish, herring, liver or sausages. For breakfast there is bread with butter and tea with milk or juice with a curd. In just breakfast, a woman eats 500─550 g of products.

The second breakfast consists of eggs, cheesery, omlet, milk porridge. Tea, milk, juice, compote with a bun or cookie completes the second food. Just 400 g

Lunch ─ Serious food intake, including the first, second, third. Tasty rich borsch or meat soup. Meat and on the second: stew or schnitzel with a cereal garnish and vegetable salad. Juice, milk, tea with a piece of bread. A thorough lunch pulls on 800 g.

An afternoon book can be skipped, drink a glass of milk with a bun or to enjoy any fruit ─ 400 g.

Dinner - cottage cheese, cheesecakes, dumplings, tea with milk ─ 450

Kefir, Ryazhenka, Juice, Apple, Cookies ─ 300─400

Dishes choose to your liking, change and combine recipes, try to ride and not overeat. Add nuts, seeds, herbal teas that cause the influx of milk. We offer a tea recipe with hawthorn to enhance lactation.

Useful recipe: tea with hawthorn

Black sheet tea (not in bags) make youwill as usual: 1 t. Spoon welding on a glass of water. In a glass of tea, add a hawthorn extract, 15─20 drops. Tea is drinking for 1─1.5 weeks three times a day at any time. Hawthorn is useful to vasodilators, soothing properties. Hawthorn extract contributes to the increase in lactation and eliminates many intestinal problems inhibit.

Nature gift

Nature gave a woman a great gift for feeding a child. For a small little man, it is possible to eat and emotionally located close to my mother. Having fluttered to the chest, in the arms of mommy, the child feels welcome and beloved, grows calm and confident.

Everyone knows about the benefits of breast milk for a newborn baby, which is why each mother tries to feed her baby as long as possible. However, in order for breastfeeding to truly brought the use, the mother must eat correctly. Proper nutrition for breastfeeding implies useful products and eliminating potentially dangerous. In fact, compliance with any strict diet is not required.

Nutrition of a nursing woman should be balanced and bring to the child only

Compliance with the principles proper nutrition - The key to the harmonious and healthy development of the baby. A woman should not adhere to hard dietary techniques for weight loss, but it is also not worth it for two. If there is more than it is women's OrganismIt will begin to postpone extra kilograms.

If you still follow your food before pregnancy, did not use refined products, canned food and semi-finished products, you do not have to change your diet after the birth of the baby. It is advisable every month to adjust the menu with breastfeeding, because the child's body is actively developing. Mom's special attention should be paid to its nutrition to the first month, because during this period, kids often observe intestinal colic. Correctly selected food products will help to avoid increased gas formation and pain in the crumbs tummy.

How to eat mom by months?

Nutrition of a nursing mother by months allows you to gradually teach the child's digestive system to new products

Many pediatricians recommend nursing women to adhere to proper nutrition for months with breastfeeding. This means that every month new products should appear in the diet of a nursing mother. Experts provide such recommendations for the reason that the children's body develops with each month, and the digestive system of infants can perceive those products that were contraindicated before him.

To the newborn child as easily and quickly adapted to new living conditions, the young mother's first two weeks after childbirth must limit itself to the use of such products as:

  • lean soup;
  • porridge;
  • non-fat beef;
  • creamy oil - no more than 15 g per day;
  • vegetable oils - corn, olive, sunflower;
  • weak tea, water.

After a 2-week adherence to such a tight diet in the diet, you can gradually enter the following products:

  • low-fat dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, rippy;
  • gray bread;
  • boiled or baked potatoes;
  • pasta in limited quantities;
  • stewed, boiled and baked vegetables - carrots, beets, colored cabbage or broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini.

When the baby is a month, in the diet of mom you can enter a chicken, rabbit, quail. Using new products, it is important to monitor the reaction of the children's body, as often food becomes the cause of food allergies in infants.

As soon as the baby turns 3 months, his mom's diet can be replenished with new products. You can enter a lean borsch with a small amount of tomato, low-fat meat, vegetables and fruits for season, low-fat sour cream, fruit. At this time, you can already have semal, pearl, peaked and oatmeal. Fresh onions and spices will not cause harm to an infant child.

From a 6-month age in the menu of a nursing woman, you can enter all types of legumes, seafood and garlic. However, it is impossible to abuse these products, since they may not be very easily transferred to a children's digestive system.

At the age of the child from 6 months before the year, the diet of a nursing woman can be significantly expanded. Now in it in small quantities there may be such products:

  • a fish;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • cow's milk.

If you really want, you can occasionally indulge yourself fried, but low-fat dishes. True, provided that the child has no problems with the activities of the digestive system. When your child is a year, you can go to a familiar diet, however, this does not mean that you can eat smoked salts, pickles and canned food. The diet can be significantly expanded, but it is also important to adhere to the right nutrition.

List of dangerous products

In the period of breastfeeding, a woman should refuse potentially dangerous products.

Diet with breastfeeding newborn should not contain potentially dangerous products for the child. There is a list of products that are not recommended for the use of nursing mom for the reason that they can cause allergic reactions or increased gas formation and colic. These are equipped with eggs, fish, nuts, strawberries, tomatoes, citrus and honey. However, it should be aware of the existence of a list of categorically prohibited products, which belong to:

  • alcohol;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • semi-finished products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • smoked;
  • exotic fruits.

Many nursing women allow one and the same mistake: when the baby is breastfeeding, they begin to eat 2 times more so that the milk is more satisfying. In fact, all the extra calories will affect your figure. Even if breast milk is not full, the child will receive all the necessary nutrients for its development at the expense of the human body resources.

As for the power mode, the optimal option for a nursing mother, as well as for a pregnant woman, is the 5-6 one-time eating with small portions. No need to argue, because it will not benefit anyone.

Listen to the advice of specialists when they say that it is impossible to eat fried food. Prefer the boiled and stewed dishes. If you do not have a double boiler or multicookers, the child's birth is a great reason for such a useful purchase.

While you feed the child with breast milk, you do not need to carefully monitor your weight, in most cases a woman lose weight immediately after serving the baby from the chest. Your body must receive both fats and proteins, and carbohydrates daily, so the power must be as balanced as possible. The absence or insufficient number of any nutrient substance will not be ill primarily on the child, but on his mother's health. Carefully select products to your table, take care of yourself and your child.

January 9, 2014, 20:27

In the period of breastfeeding, we use products only from the list "You can" selectively and stages.

Sample of the food diary.



Child chair

Child's skin

General condition child

Try a new product in a small amount in the first half of the day, then watch 2 days behind the baby. It is something unusual (multiplicity, color, consistency, the presence of mucus, greenery, etc.) presence or absence of raspiothelate colic, bloating, whims, etc.

If the introduction of a new product has passed successfully, and in two days there was no negative reaction from the child, it is possible to enter the same principle to enter the following product, compliance with the deadlines below.

1st month


Until the tenth day:

  • baked apples
  • bananas;
  • porridge: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, corn, wheat, "Artek", bone);
  • lean soup;
  • the use of liquid (tea is green, compote from dried fruits, water spring, fear from rosehip);
  • fats: butter up to 15g per day, unrefined oils (sunflower, corn, olive).
  • lean meat.

From the tenth day: add to the diet

  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, ryazhenka, kefir);
  • fish boiled, baked;
  • eggs;
  • gray bread, with bran;
  • pasta in nebol. Number;
  • solid cheeses are unsost;
  • stew, baked and boiled vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage color or broccoli, onion, pumpkin, zucchini);
  • green and dried spices (dill, parsley, bay leaf);
  • to tea and between the basics. Meal techniques: dried fruits (dates, dried, prune), Gallenny cookies, Biscuit, Cretacent Pie, drying (bagels), crackers without raisins, squacter pancakes (without flour).

All the first month it is impossible

  • one-piece cow's milk shop or homemade);
  • meat broth (from any kind of meat);
  • from dried fruits - raisins;
  • black tea, coffee;
  • sour cream;
  • raw vegetables and fruits (except baked apples and banana);
  • fresh bakery products from top grade flour;
  • alcohol.

1 - 3 months


Add to the diet:

  • borsch, lean, seasoned tomato Juice (pasteurized tomatoes);
  • raw vegetables and fruits for the season;
  • nuts, except pistachios and peanuts;
  • meat ( homemade chicken, rabbit, quail, veal).
  • make fruits (from blueberries, lingers, currants, cherries without seeds);
  • sour cream.
  • homemade jam: cherry, drain without seeds, apple
  • It is impossible
  • from dried fruits - raisins;
  • black tea;
  • alcohol.
  • 3 - 6 months


    Add to the diet:

    • porridge (pearl, millet)
    • fresh juices (carrots, pumpkins, apples, beets);
    • fresh Luc
    • fresh and dried spices:
    • basil, Charker, Estragon, Melissa, Oshinitsa, Celery, Mint, Basil, Thyme.

    It is impossible

    • whole cow's milk (store or home);
    • alcohol.

    from 6 months

    Can add:

    • Bean
    • Seafood
    • Garlic
    • Pollen.


    • natural meat (veal, beef, chicken, rabbit, quail meat);
    • cereals (buckwheat, oat, corn, rice, wheat, millet, pearl);
    • beans and legumes (from 6 months);
    • fish (stew or boiled);
    • seafood;
    • vegetables (stew, boiled or baked);
    • pasta in N. large quantities;
    • boiled potatoes baked;
    • eggs (chicken, and better quail);
    • solid cheeses are unsost;
    • efficiency products - kefir, ryazhenka, cottage cheese - better do at home;
    • gray bread, with bran, white a little smaller or drowning;
    • fruit (seasonal);
    • green spices (dill, parsley - from birth; celery, mint, char, Basil,
    • onions (in SUP from birth, fresh - from 3 months.), Garlic - from 6 months.
    • nuts, except peanuts and pistachios;
    • honey (rich in calcium) from 3 months. and pollen from 6 months;
    • drinking fresh juices, combining under your taste and mood - carefully enter one by one no earlier than 3 months;
    • mars and compote (from blueberries, lingers, gooseberries, cherries) from 1mes;
    • brew tea from branches of fruit-berry trees, as well as from herbs (yarrow, chamomiles, linden, wilderness, mint, mint, eucalyptus, nettle, mother-and-stepmother, eesery, Bogorodskaya grass (chamber), field hand, turn, Calendula - Combining no more 2-3 herbs or one);
    • rubber branch; Compote from dried fruit fruit without sugar.
    • green tea (large-scale, without additives); fasten black
    • lactation teas, such as Humama, Hіrp;
    • spring or distilled water, infused on dried fruits or on silicon pebbles, table mines. Waters (such as Sofia Kievskaya).

    It is impossible

    • all canned food;
    • chocolate;
    • everything confectionerycontaining food and taste additives, essence;
    • soluble coffee, tea bags;
    • ice cream;
    • margarine, mayonnaise, melted raws;
    • semolina;
    • semi-finished products, types of sausages, sausages;
    • whole milk to 6 months;
    • condensed milk;
    • all concentrated and canned;
    • sweet carbonated drinks;
    • refined sugar;
    • macaroni and potatoes in large quantities;
    • smoked salts;
    • fast Fudam categorically no !!!

    Red color - no road!

    In this "locker" - products and liquids, the use of which nursing mom is dangerous for the kid.

    • Soothing himself the fact that a glass of red wine will not affect the child in any way on the child, the woman should keep in mind: any, without exception, alcohol is 100% absorbed together with milk into the blood of the Baby;
    • fresh and canned onions, garlic, blacksmash, burning pepper, mayonnaise, Tabasco sauce - give the sharpness of milk;
    • Mustard, horseradish, especially with additives, black strong coffee (especially unnatural), bitter chocolate with cocoa content of at least 70%, cheeses with mold type "Dor Blue" and soft "fresh" cheeses with various additives, especially spicy herbs, - Make milk bitter;
    • spicy herring, mussels, squid, octopuses, especially in sauce, cod calves, Mixed, especially comprising additives, is a salty taste for milk;
    • canned tuna B. own juice And in oil, fresh tuna and shrimp - provoke allergies.

    Yellow - you can, but carefully!

    There are a number of products that are not so long ago pediatricians forbidden to eat nursing mommies. Now doctors say others. You can, and even necessary, but to introduce into the diet gradually, carefully and in small quantities.

    • Melon, beets, fresh kefir, peas, beans, vegetable oil - their oversupply in the diet of mom leads to the disorder of the chair in the crumbs and bloating;
    • pears, pomegranate, persimmon, rice, fresh bread, shortbread - can fasten;
    • cow milk, oranges, grapefruits, black currant, eggs, red caviar and fish, semolina, millet and corn Kashi. - cause allergic reactions.

    Green color - in any quantity!

    Products indicated by this color of the traffic light, you can eat without problems. Useful to you and baby!

    • Carrots, parsley, dill - help keep the sharpness of your crumbs;
    • black currant, gooseberry, leaf salad - improves immunity;
    • zucchini, pumpkin, cod, perch - contribute to the rapid growth and development of the baby;
    • cottage cheese, natural yogurt - give the fortress the bones and teeth;
    • kefir, Ryazhenka, Ayran, oatmeal, broccoli, cauliflower - Improve digestion.

    Strong allergens:

    • Milk. Sometimes a woman specially drinks to a liter of cow or goat milk per day, thinking that thereby increases the nutritional value of the thoracic. In fact, it increases the likelihood that crumbs will have irritation on the skin, because in milk there are more than 20 substances capable of causing an allergic reaction. Moreover, dairy proteins are resistant to heating, so in large quantities you should not drink even boiled milk.
    • Egg squirrels. Mostly it concerns chicken eggs. Less often allergies provoke duck or goose eggs, almost never quail. Considering that this product contains a lot of cholesterol harmful to the heart, nursing mom is recommended to eat only one egg welded on a week.
    • Paired meat. Especially the "lower parts" of the carcass, where the most contains harmful substances. Prefer frozen meat - after freezing and thawing, the concentration of allergens is reduced.

    1. Applying to the chest:

    Day Rhythms: 1-1.5 h

    Night Rhythms: 24h, 4h, 6h, 8h

    This means that in the afternoon for 1-1.5 "on duty" one breast, and during this time we apply only to this chest. For example, Doca woke up at 9:00, from 9: 00-10: 30 I apply it only in the right chest, from 10: 30-12: 00 - I apply only to the left chest. The amount of applies is unlimited, with any daughter desire to give the chest. For these 1,5 hour She calmly can make the chest and once a 15-minute and hanging on his chest - it is controlled by a completely child, because Very strongly affects her psychological comfort.

    At night, all children wake up about the schedule described above (± hour), feeding alternating right and left chest in this watch.

    I don't know exactly how much time to feed on such a schedule, but I think, for months 2 for sure (it will be clarified by phone).

    2. Fitting canceling.

    Before that (I will advise the parents and pediatricians) after each feeding, it was joined - this, oddly enough only reduces the amount of milk with time.

    3. In the first months 2, it is still better to swaded babies (free swaddling) for feeding and sleep. When a child is awake, it is best to carry air baths, a massage, etc.

    Warding contributes to a more rapid ending of shudding of newborns.

    4. Walking.

    The newborn is better than the first month not to walk, but to be in the room (at home often), because A large amount of fresh air will do the same effect on them as, for example, an urban resident falling into the forest will start sick head, etc.

    I (because Mommy) in the first month is also better not to appear on the street (especially if there is a tide of milk or simply does not matter yourself, or a little bit of the chest), because This may entail a number of diseases. Lactation has not yet been established (installed through 3-4 weeks after childbirth). The wind - and you can get up chest, and we will not even notice this ...

    5. Bathing the kids recommended in small baths, because That they would expect after birth. The space in the tummy at the mother was limited, here they are now in all and waiting in the first months of heat and the sensation of a closed space.

    Also, swimming in a large bath and poverty may resultinize the breast for months to the 3rd.

    Eat everything is allowedthat ate during pregnancy. This applies to allergenic products. The exceptions are those women who have allegia for food products.

    Those. We can easily eat one peach, pieces of 10 berries strawberries, etc.

    In 90% of cases, babies in the first month of life appear various rashes on the skin (someone else, someone less) is normal. After the rash appeared, we assume that this is because of some particular product - we try the same product in a week - raws will most likely not be.

    The reaction is most often on dyes and flavors.

    Drink You can also, all, but the predominant drinking water should prevail.

    And remember up to 6 months (because before the introduction of the enclosure) the child must try everything through Mamino Milk!

    7. Share sleep is required. More often, we carry on the hands, we kiss and even squeeze your favorite kids - everything is very necessary for them !!!


    In case of postpartum depression Recommended to drink 1st.L. Kagora + 1 tsp. Peyphalines 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks.

    Bepantren More 2 weeks nipples do not smear, because He is addictive, be sure to take breaks. Can be replaced at the "Purelan" and "Solomeril Ointment".

    For temperature You can drink 1 tab. Paracetomol 3 times a day.

    Naturally the consultant showed us various poses for feeding and taught the right pointing. I am very glad that we called a consultant, I advise everyone on the first weeks after the birth of the kids to call consultants!

    What will I eat with gv ??)))

    • High-caliped products - fish, seafood, caviar, eggs, mushrooms (except walnuts), nuts, coffee, honey, chocolate, cocoa
    • Vegetables, fruits and bright red and orange berries, as well as kiwi, pineapples, avocado, cucumbers
    • Broths, marinades, salt and sharp dishes, canned food, meat and fish smoked, spices
    • Products containing dyes and preservatives
    • carbonated drinks, kvass
    sauerkraut, radish, radish, fermented cheeses (cheese, Suluguni, Adygei), ham, sausages
    • legumes

    • Alcohol

    • whole milk (only in porridge), sour cream - in dishes
    • Bakery and pasta from top grade flour, semolina
    • Confectionery, sweets
    • Sugar.
    • Sol.
    • Equiphertic products (kefir, bifikphir, bifox, yogurts without fruit additives, etc.)
    • Cereals (buckwheat, corn, rice, oat and dr.)
    • Vegetables and fruits (green, white color)
    • Soups - Vegetarian
    • Meat - low-fat varieties of beef, pork, turkey fillet, chickens in boiled and stew, and also in the form of a steam kitlet
    • Bread - wheat 2nd grade, Rye, Darnitsky
    • Drinks - Tea, Compote, Mors

The development of breast milk is a serious biochemical postpartum process, which must eventually satisfy all the needs of the infant organism. The shortage of major building materials (proteins, amino acids, trace elements, fats and vitamins) will lead to a delay in the growth of the child. After all, the quality of mother milk directly depends on its diet. The pledge of natural feeding is considered rational and fractional nutrition. It will help avoid problems associated with gas formation, bloating, allergies, colic in a newborn.

The principles of rational nutrition of nursing mommy include:

1. Calorie. The daily rate of the pregnant and nursing breasts of a woman is 2500 kcal. It may increase by 600 - 700 kcal, but not more. The fat content of milk from overeating and hobbies of high-calorie food will not increase, and the figure will affect negatively.

2. Full menu. Every day, nursing mom should receive:

  • at least 120 g. proteins;
  • approximately 500-550 g. Carbohydrates;
  • 110-130 g. Fat.

3. Vitamins and trace elements. These are important components involved in many biochemical processes. In the menu and recipes with a nursing breastfeeding of a woman every day should turn on fresh greens, stewed vegetables and fruits.

  • calcium, fluorine and phosphorus form and strengthen the bone system, teeth, nails, hair;
  • iron will protect against anemia, actively participating in blood formation;
  • iodine has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, promotes the normal healthy development of the child.

4. Fabric nutrition. Even with a constant shortage of time, mommy must necessarily have breakfast, dine and dinner. Two or three light snacks between the main meals will allow not to overeat, thicken hunger and produce milk to fully.

5. Hypoallergenic diet. All potential allergens, especially in the first 6 months after childbirth, must be excluded from recipes. The immature stomach of the newborn can respond to dangerous products Heavy forms of allergies that will have to treat for a long time. Such manifestations include itching, redness, skin irritation, diarmity, dermatitis, and Padern. Under the lesions of the mucous membrane, frequent abundant swollen, idiot, colic, bloating, diarrhea may occur. Sometimes food allergies manifests itself in the form of susceptible diseases - allergic rhinitis, bronchospasm. Danger allergic manifestation is considered swelling. Skin cover, mucous, including fatty tissue under the skin, quickly swells, causing choking. If you do not give medical care on time, the child may die.

Menu up to 1 month

Doctors advise 2.5 liters. Drinking, including first dishes. This is a compote of dried fruit, natural diluted apple juice, Ryazhenka, kefir, tea with boiled milk, fennel, fastening green or black without taste flavors.

  • In the nursing mother's menu, the first month is allowed to include cereals - wheat, jacket, barley, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Useful in the morning to eat dairy porridge with the addition of natural cream oil. You can also eat all pasta.
  • Vegetables can potatoes in the liver and boiled form, steam, boiled or baked zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, beets, yellow pepper, greens, corn. Vegetables are used after heat treatment. So the gas formation in infants will fall much.
  • Meat and fish are resolved from dietary easily digestible non-fat varieties. Limit the use of offal. The daily rate of meat dishes in the menu of nursing women - 200 g. The meat is desirable to boil, cook for a couple, stew.
  • Milk products. Cow's milk add to tea, porridge, soups puree. Non-fat cottage cheese 5 - 9% can be eaten twice a week to 200-250, it is advisable to use it in cheese or casserole. A low-fat sour cream 15% is used when adding to soups, cottage cheese and salads. 20-30% cheese, use in sandwiches. No need to search for low-fat products. It is better to acquire their average fatness, otherwise the child will not receive the necessary amount of fats.
  • Fruits, baked or boiled - apples without peel, pears, plums, bananas. Nursing mom must eat only those fruits and vegetables that are grown in its region, and better if they are torn in their own vegetable garden.
  • Vegetable oil is rich in amino acids, important for the development of a newborn baby. It is allowed to add it to salads, stew, borshs, soups.
  • Confectionery, bread. You can eat black, white bread, bagels, loaf rye and wheat, crackers without raisins, oatmeal, gallery, zoological cookies.

Eggs, nuts, seeds, coffee, cola, cocoa are prohibited. Long-term storage products are not available at this time. It is impossible to eat legumes, onions, garlic, raw tomatoes and cucumbers.

Menu nursing mom from 1 to 3 months

After reaching a newborn two months of age, you can gradually add various dishes in the menu. In the first month, you do not need to eat several new products in one day at once. For each innovation, the child may have a reaction. If it is not, the product boldly includes a daily diet. When the baby blushed the cheek, he became restless and colic is tormented, the new product is better not to use it. It is important to eat that food that a nursing mother eaten during pregnancy and not experiment with an unknown food.

Menu Moms from 3 to 6 months


  • lovely borsch, refilled by tomato juice;
  • seasonal vegetables, berries, fruits;
  • eggs - no more than one in two or three days;
  • meat;
  • mors from berries;
  • homemade jam;
  • fresh vegetable juices;
  • walnuts, almonds;
  • halva home cooking.

It is impossible:

  • canned;
  • marinades;
  • pickles;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • chocolate;
  • white cabbage;
  • citrus, grapes;
  • sausages;
  • smoked smoked

Menu of a nursing woman from 6 to 12 months

After childbirth and a strict diet, mommy, nursing breasts, it is already allowed to include roasted dishes, but low-fat. At the same time, boiled food should prevail in recipes. You can try to enable white chocolate, seeds, legumes, seafood. Enter them in the morning, and carefully watch the newborn during the day.

As after delivery, it is necessary to avoid:

  • soda;
  • condensed milk;
  • glazed raws;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • margarine;
  • fast food;
  • solutions, marinades, smoked;
  • cunning
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned;
  • sausage, sausages, sausages;
  • ice cream.

Weekly menu Mom with breastfeeding (table)

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
boiled chicken, rice, vegetable stew, decoction of rosehip, bread with butter pickle pearl porridge, bread, yogurt, baked apple, green tea fruit salad, Cottage cheese casserole sour cream sauce, tea with milk, banana
oatmeal on water or milk, green tea, rye bread with creamy oil chicken soup, rice porrige, veal stew, vegetable salad, fruit, kissel puree from potatoes and carrots, boiled or steam chicken, oat cookies, kefir, apple
buckwheat porridge, stew fish With no skin, wheat bread with solid cheese and oil, tea with milk without sugar Soup with vegetables, meat and greens, rice or vermicela casserole with sour cream sauce, fruit,
Berry Morse
cheesery with jam, honey or sour cream, tea with milk, oatmeal cookies
Makarona S. vegetable sauce Or Plot, Salad Vegetable, Apple Juice, Bun, Compote, Banana Lachy soup with sour cream, veal cutlets, stew vegetables, rye loaf, sweet tea pumpkin porridge with millet or rice, bread with cheese yogurt with fruit, green tea
rice milk with sugar, butter bread, faint tea soup, potatoes, boiled fish or meat, vegetables salad, juice, fruit cottage cheese with berries, tea with milk, cabbage rolls with sour cream, kefir
fruit cottage cheese, tea with milk adding, Gallenny cookies soup with vegetables and fish, meat meatballs, vegetable salad with sour cream sauce, compote omelette, bread with butter, ryazhenka, bun, fruit
yogurt is low-fat with muesls, bread with cheese and butter, juice plum soup with meatballs, vinaigrette, chicken steam cutlet, porridge millet, fruit, tea vegetable Salad, Cash Casseled, Cookies, Robber Buck

Menu nursing mom for a week should be balanced.

Selection of products during breastfeeding

After childbirth, it is worthwhile to avoid products capable of harming the newborn.

These include:

  1. Cow's milk. Undiluted, without thermal processing it is not recommended to drink it. It contains alien proteins. After using raw cow's milk, the disorder of digestion at Mom and the child, which is breastfeeding, is provided.
  2. Gluten. It is contained in the semolina and provokes strong allergies.
  3. Chemical additives in products. Preservatives, flavors and taste amplifier The newborn body cannot recycle. It will react to all these substances with a strong allergic reaction.
  4. Red color of vegetables and fruits. Golden Rule: "Green can, yellow - Caution, Red - Cannot" Each nursing mom must know and when choosing the next product to focus on color. Even by cutting red leather from the bright-scarlet apple, allergies are unlikely to be avoided. Red vegetables need to be used only thermally processed.
  5. Spices, onions and garlic - an excellent remedy for riding from the chest after a year. Milk acquires the taste that does not like the newborn baby, and he can give up his chest.