Bakery Fish Dessert

Calorie content of boiled shrimp and their benefits. Shrimp and their varieties: calorie content and benefits How many calories are in boiled shrimp

The ancient Romans and Greeks knew and appreciated the nutritional properties of shrimp as a source of male strength. Today, these exotic crustaceans are present in a variety of menus for seafood lovers. Connoisseurs of a healthy and balanced diet do not exclude them from their diet, but at the same time they ask the question: what is the calorie content of shrimp?

Compared to other protein products, shrimp are low in calories - on average 97 kcal per 100 g of product. The percentage (84%:15%:1%) shows that there are practically no carbohydrates, and fats are presented in the form of easily digestible fatty acids. Based on this, you can safely choose shrimp as a low-calorie protein carrier.

What are the benefits of shrimp?

The beneficial properties of sea crustaceans are very diverse. Fatty acids serve as building materials for brain tissue cells and help strengthen the cardiovascular system. The high quantitative composition of vitamins and microelements ensures the human body the normal functioning of many organs, strengthens muscle fibers, improves vision, and has a rejuvenating effect.

How many calories are in shrimp

Like other foods, shrimp have different energy values ​​depending on the cooking method. The calorie content of raw crustaceans ranges from 87 to 110 kcal per 100 g of product, boiled – from 90 to 115 kcal, fried – from 120 to 150 kcal, baked in sour cream sauce – from 170 to 180 kcal.

Different caloric content is also observed in different varieties of shrimp: tiger - 89 kcal per 100 g, royal - 87 kcal per 100 g. As you can see, the latter crustaceans have lower calorie content, but the nutritional value is much higher than ordinary varieties of shrimp.

Due to these properties, marine life is widely used in dietary nutrition as an independent product and as one of the ingredients. They are used in first courses and served as part of cold and hot appetizers. This takes into account the calorie content of all components of the dish.

Shrimp based diets

Experts have developed various shrimp diets. There are practically no contraindications to them, except for individual intolerance to seafood. Not recommended if you have thyroid disease or if you have an excess amount of iodine in the body. In any case, before starting a diet, you should consult a doctor.

A shrimp diet is beneficial for teenagers, as it replenishes the body with a sufficient amount of protein. Even elderly people can eat this kind of food, but it is necessary to increase the amount of shrimp consumed.

Various types of crustaceans are suitable for the diet. You can use them in turn. The principle should be that the product is of high quality and unspoiled. To do this, buy shrimp in the shell, which helps determine the degree of quality and freshness. And the cost of such a product is lower.

The duration of the shrimp diet varies from 3 to 7 days. You can do fasting days on shrimp. In 7 days of the diet you can lose up to 3 kg of excess weight.

Seafood can be boiled, stewed, or grilled. You shouldn’t get too carried away with fried shrimp, as weight loss results may not be achieved. You should consume up to 350 g of the product daily.

The diet includes raw vegetables without starch, herbs, onions, and garlic. Fruits should be limited to a minimum, except lemon. It is used to prepare sauces. You can enjoy berries (strawberries, strawberries, raspberries), as well as green varieties of apples (no more than 300 g).

The drinking regime is observed - purified water, freshly squeezed juices. Skim milk is allowed.

If you have an obsessive feeling of hunger, you can eat a small amount of boiled chicken breast.

For this period, flour products and products, sweets, semi-finished products, and high-calorie dishes are completely excluded from the diet.

Shrimp diet with apples for 3 days

During this diet, the amount of shrimp and apples is unlimited. Crayfish are consumed boiled. From liquids, it is acceptable to drink still water, tea and coffee without added sugar. The result is weight loss of up to 3 kg. You can use this diet option once a month as a relief for the body.

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The product is saturated with minerals such as sulfur, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, iodine, sodium. Shrimp contains quite a lot of vitamins A, E, D, C, PP, B1, B2, B9, and beta carotene.

Calorie content of boiled shrimp per 100 grams is 95 cal. 100 g of product contains 21.1 g of protein, 1.9 g of fat, 0.4 g of carbohydrates.

Boiled shrimp contain a lot of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. This seafood product is recommended for consumption in cases of disturbances in the functioning of the skeletal and muscular systems of the body.

Preparing boiled seafood is very simple. To do this you will need 2 bay leaves, 1 kg of shrimp, herbs and salt to taste.

Pour 3 liters of water into the pan, add chopped herbs and spices. When the water boils, add shrimp. Boil the seafood for 3 – 8 minutes.

Calorie content of fried shrimp per 100 grams

Calorie content of fried shrimp per 100 grams is 116 kcal. In 100 g of dish there are 11.5 g of protein, 3.9 g of fat, 9 g of carbohydrates.

For cooking you need the following products:

  • 0.25 kg of seafood;
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 50 g lime;
  • a quarter teaspoon of ground ginger;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • the rice is thoroughly washed and poured into a saucepan with half a glass of water;
  • after cooking over low heat for 10 minutes, keep the rice covered for another 10 minutes;
  • seafood is defrosted, thrown into a frying pan with heated vegetable oil;
  • honey, ground ginger, squeezed lime juice and soy sauce are added to the shrimp;
  • fry the shrimp for 4 – 6 minutes. The dish is ready!

Calorie content of king prawns per 100 grams

Calorie content of king prawns per 100 grams is 86.9 kcal. 100 g of product contains 18.4 g of protein, 1.1 g of fat, 1 g of carbohydrates.

Despite the fact that king prawns are useful for strengthening the immune system, have a normalizing effect on blood pressure, and improve the condition of nails and hair, you should not get carried away with seafood. Shrimp have the ability to accumulate radiation.

Calorie content of tiger shrimps per 100 grams

Calorie content of tiger shrimps per 100 grams is 90 kcal. 100 g of seafood contains 19.3 g of protein, 0 g of carbohydrates, 0.6 g of fat.

When eating tiger shrimp meat, the body is saturated with zinc, iodine, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. The product contains a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

Benefits of shrimp

The following beneficial properties of shrimp have been proven:

  • due to its low calorie content, the product is indicated for weight loss and excess weight;
  • shrimp are full of healthy proteins, which are necessary to strengthen muscles and maintain healthy skin;
  • Shrimp B vitamins are good for nails, skeletal system, hair, heart, blood vessels;
  • Vitamin C contained in shrimp enhances immune functions;
  • A 100-gram serving of shrimp supplies the body with the daily requirement of iodine;
  • Selenium and zinc from seafood stimulate male potency.

Damage to shrimp

The following harmful properties of shrimp have been proven:

  • Many people have an intolerance to seafood protein. Negative reactions to shrimp can manifest themselves in the form of rashes, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fried shrimp are characterized by a high content of cholesterol and harmful fats, therefore they are contraindicated in case of exacerbations of diseases of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas. Their use should be avoided if you are overweight or have problems with the vascular system;
  • Low-quality shrimp are grown using growth stimulants, hormonal drugs and antibiotics.

Of all the seafood available on store shelves, shrimp is perhaps the most popular. If previously they were eaten mainly fried and baked, now they are more often boiled, since the calorie content of boiled shrimp is lower than with other cooking methods. Tender meat is added to salads and appetizers, soups and risotto are prepared with it. Moreover, you can cook shrimp not only in water, but also in milk, green tea or even beer. It is no coincidence that this seafood has earned universal love: its meat is one of the main sources of natural protein, and in addition contains a significant amount of zinc and selenium, which have a beneficial effect on the metabolic rate. This makes shrimp one of the best dietary foods, and doctors even recommend it in the fight against obesity. But lovers of exact numbers probably want to know how many calories are in shrimp in order to confidently include them in their daily diet. There is, of course, no single clear figure here: the calorie content of shrimp will depend on their type, as well as on the cooking method.

In addition to the positive effect on the figure, this seafood can improve the health of the entire body as a whole: strengthen hair and nails, tidy up the condition of the skin, normalize the endocrine and cardiovascular system, increase resistance to infections and allergies. This is all due to the impressive list of vitamins and microelements found in shrimp, among which, in addition to the above-mentioned zinc and selenium, there is iodine, the daily norm of which can be obtained by eating only 100 g of the product, calcium, copper and Omega-3 fatty acid, vital for proper work of the heart. It was also found that shrimp contain a strong antioxidant, the accumulation of which in the body helps prevent the risk of cancer by forming new cells and tissues.

How many calories are in shrimp

The average calorie value for shrimp is 97 kcal per 100 g. What is noteworthy: if you look at the total energy value of seafood, you can see that there are no fats or carbohydrates in it, and only proteins have a high value. The percentage ratio looks like 84%:15%:1%, but don’t let the second number scare you: here fats mean fatty acids. Therefore, if you need a nutritious source of protein with low calorie content, shrimp should be your first choice. Moreover, one piece contains only 25 grams, and 5-7 pieces are enough to completely saturate an adult.

For tiger shrimps, which have a dark color and transverse stripes, the value of carbohydrates in energy value becomes zero, and proteins increase to 86% with 6% fat. As for the calorie content of this type of shrimp, compared to the previous ones, it drops to 89 kcal per 100 g. And the weight of the seafood increases to 40 grams per piece. What distinguishes this species, in addition to the previous points, is its even higher protein content, which makes tiger shrimp an ideal choice for fitness nutrition: all the calories in shrimp go only to maintaining vital functions, without being stored in fats. It is best to combine tiger with a sauce of lemon juice and garlic with the addition of olive oil, and bake the seafood itself on the grill.

The nice thing is that even with such a low calorie content of shrimp, there are even “lighter” ones, even lighter than tiger ones. These include the so-called “royal” ones, which have an average weight compared to the previous two types - 35 grams per piece, and the lowest calorie value. In terms of energy value, king shrimp are not much different from other types: they are the same 84% for proteins, but 12% for fats and 4% for carbohydrates. There is also no noticeable difference in taste. But their “weight” will be 87 kcal per 100 g.

The best shrimp recipes

Of course, the cooking method also influences how many calories end up in shrimp. The simplest, considered a classic, is cooking in a saucepan. Moreover, the calorie content of boiled shrimp compared to raw shrimp will increase by no more than 15 kcal. But frying in oil will almost double the original figure. But before we talk about how to maintain the benefits and enhance the fat-burning effect of shrimp dishes, it would be useful to mention the selection process. The store usually sells frozen fresh or already boiled seafood, which is always indicated by the manufacturer. If you have the opportunity to purchase them not in a closed package, where you can’t examine the product in any way, but to personally select the best, you need to pay attention to the color of the meat: it should not have a yellowish tint - this is a sign of old age. And for tiger shrimps, it is also important to check for the absence of black heads and bumps.

So, now you can go through the basic cooking methods. For boiled shrimp, the calorie content, as already mentioned, will remain almost unchanged, reaching 102-112 kcal per 100 g, which allows you to combine them with whatever your heart desires. For example, make a very healthy salad that accelerates metabolism and burns fat by combining boiled tiger shrimp, grapefruit and lime pulp, finely chopped cucumber, a clove of garlic passed through a garlic press, seasoned with soy sauce with the addition of cane sugar. All components are one way or another aimed at losing weight, as well as normalizing metabolism, and the calorie content of the dish remains quite low, especially since all the calories - shrimp, citrus fruits and cucumber - are negative. This allows it to be used, for example, as dinner.

Every person who considers himself a follower of a healthy diet should have a slow cooker. With its help, you can cook almost anything, while maintaining maximum benefits and minimal calorie content. Shrimp combined with rice and carrots with a cream sauce and a spoonful of olive oil turns into a hearty and light lunch. If desired, you can supplement the dish with herbs or dry white wine.

And another recipe for a low-calorie lunch, which is incredibly simple to make, but has a great effect on metabolism. Boiled shrimp are combined with broccoli or cauliflower, filled with a mixture of beaten eggs and milk and sent to the oven. To further reduce calorie content, you can eliminate the yolks by mixing only the whites with milk, and take milk with the lowest percentage of fat content.

For those who like fried shrimp, but the desire to lose weight does not allow them to be consumed constantly, you can cook them with chili sauce, lime juice, sesame oil and soy sauce. They are fried, dipped in a mixture of all the ingredients, in a Teflon frying pan, barely greased with vegetable oil. And the calorie content of shrimp in this case will be only 90 kcal, if “royal” ones were chosen for the dish. Can be served with boiled rice noodles. But in general, when it comes to preparing shrimp, the methods of preparing the dish are limited only by the cook’s imagination.

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Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Boiled shrimp are an almost ideal product - easy and quick to prepare, tasty and healthy to eat. Regardless of the type, all boiled shrimp have a red, pink or “shrimp” color; after cooking, the gray or gray-green color of some shrimp disappears. Boiled shrimp have a specific, immediately recognizable marine aroma mixed with the smell of iodine. It is better to consume boiled shrimp immediately after cooking; the maximum shelf life of the product in the refrigerator is 24 hours.

Calorie content of boiled shrimp

The calorie content of boiled shrimp is 95 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Peeled shrimp are cooked in the same way, but the cooking time should be reduced.

Shrimp for weight loss

Shrimp are low in calories and fill you for a long time, so the product can often be seen on the menu of many diets. For example, they are different (low-calorie, protein, carbohydrate-free, etc.), but all include boiled shrimp as one of the main elements.

Boiled shrimp in cooking

Boiled shrimp are an excellent independent dish that does not require a side dish; you can serve various sauces and fresh vegetables. Boiled shrimp are added to salads, cold appetizers, soups, pizza and pasta.

Especially for
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It’s hard to call shrimp a high-calorie dish, just like any other seafood. For this reason, they are quite suitable for those who watch their own figure and are afraid of gaining weight. The calorie content of shrimp can vary from eighty to one hundred and thirty calories per one hundred grams of product. This will allow you to include such food in your diet without worrying about your figure. However, you should not think that such a dish is completely free of fats, since there is still a small percentage in their composition. True, this fat is beneficial for the body and cannot cause any harm to a thin waist. In addition, due to the fact that shrimp are a high-protein food, saturation with them occurs very quickly, as a result of which the daily calorie content of the dishes consumed is reduced.

What are the benefits of shrimp?

In addition to the unique nutritional value, it is impossible not to note the usefulness of shrimp. Firstly, the meat of any seafood contains a large number of microelements. In addition to their high protein content, they are also distinguished by their rich composition of mineral salts. Shrimp meat tastes very good, somewhat reminiscent of crab meat.

It is based on a substance such as taurine, which helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and muscles, as well as maintain the body in good shape. It’s not for nothing that most energy and invigorating cocktails contain taurine. In addition, this substance is added to almost all eye drops. Despite the fact that the calorie content of shrimp is minimal, they contain another most valuable element - astaxanthin - a natural carotenoid that preserves youth and beauty, because it promotes the formation of new cells in the body. Since seafood is digested by the body very quickly, eating it will solve problems such as, for example, dysfunction of the digestive system, in which it is not recommended to eat heavy foods.

What does calorie content depend on?

As for the calories in shrimp, their content may vary depending on the type of seafood. For example, the smaller the crustaceans, the tastier they are, but their energy value will reach 130 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, the so-called Far Eastern shrimp is considered the most delicious and nutritious. It is worth noting that the calorie content of shrimp may also vary depending on the storage method. Freshly caught seafood, which has not even been subjected to shock freezing, will undoubtedly have a richer content of substances beneficial to the body. Those shrimp that have been subjected to heat treatment and subsequent freezing can significantly lose their calorie content, but at the same time their beneficial properties will be minimized. The calorie content of shrimp can significantly increase if, during cooking, you add various spices and seasonings, vegetable oil, and also eat them with sauce.